Linking verbs list

Linking verbs list
Linking verbs list

Linking verbs list out in led to a significant reduction in the level of training of school and university graduates. As a basis for comparison, naturally, the Soviet system of education, deservedly recognized by many specialists as one of the best in the world, was adopted. The organizational measures taken in recent years, aimed at eliminating the distortions of the dashing 90s, and the transition to another base of comparison (to quantitative indicators of universities in Western countries) have significantly improved the statistical indicators of the Russian educational system. However, the problem of a decrease in graduates’ creative abilities remained unsolved. The reason seems to be that education was placed in the service sector, which immediately led to a pattern in the preparation of students. The system of education has turned into a “bed of scrolls” for the creative personality, in such a system always wins dragging to solve typical problems and the tendency to dull thoughtless “rote”. Attempts to eliminate “pattern” in the educational system and the development of creative abilities of students have led only to some cosmetic changes in the structure of quality control of education, changing little in essence. If we consider the reorganization of the educational system as an experiment, the results of this experiment are very instructive. The main conclusion from this experiment is that if society is interested in successful development, and thus in education of highly educated creative individuals, the educational process should what are linking verbs be based not on commercial interests, but on methodology based on natural principles of human and world evolution. The educational system should be tasked with much broader tasks that have not yet been considered within the existing paradigm of education.

Linking verbs list

Attempts to expand only the information base of the educational process, as proposed by specialists, change little in essence. This undoubtedly develops the ability to solve more difficult tasks, but does not make a human being a creator. The paradigm of education should confirm the position of a person who stays in two worlds simultaneously – manifested and not manifested. And the task of education is to reveal the ability of consciousness through the activity in the world of forms to realize its potential of activity in the undeveloped world. And this ability is performed by the human being-creator!

Concerning questions of education, the main attention, as a rule, is given to methodical bases of educational process. The goal of education, as if a priori, is to educate a worthy member of society. Depending on the type of social and economic formation, on the type of social group, this goal acquires a certain specific content. And the paradigm of education “works” only within this specific content, because there is a correspondence of “theory and practice”. Any additional superstructure principles in the paradigm, so obvious that there is no doubt about their appropriateness, such as morality and morality, are not implemented in practice (for example, the biblical commandment “do not steal”). Their educational power is perceived only as “power on paper” and has nothing to do with the prevailing economic relations in society. The paradigm of education should pursue the goal of disclosure and education of responsibility in a person, as a reflection of the laws of existence and limits of individual freedom. With the disclosure of the fundamental role of human consciousness in the formation of reality, the paradigm of education should already aim not so much at the reproduction of social relations, reflecting the established order in society, as the formation of human consciousness as an effective force for building the future. The paradigm of education should “adjust” the human consciousness as an instrument of creative force. And if previous paradigms were limited to the world of manifested forms, the new paradigm should be aimed at higher worlds, the passage to which will serve the consciousness of the man-creator.