How can I help my child with math?


Every parent has asked this question at least once. After all, more than half of all students find math including go math grade 2 difficult. Students don’t understand the school explanation, and parents have to help with their homework. But how to explain math to a child in a way that he understands? We have collected the top 5 tips.

What to do if a child has difficulty with geometry?

1. Make real layouts. Many students find it quite difficult to represent drawings on paper in three-dimensional form. Especially when it comes to cubes, isosceles pyramids and other three-dimensional shapes. Develop spatial thinking using pencils, pens, notebooks, tape, etc. Build the shapes you want and use them as examples to solve problems. This helps the child better understand go math grade 3.

2. In geometry it is extremely important to know the formulas for finding this or that value. Therefore, make special reminder cards, where the figure will be drawn and the formula will be written next to it (preferably in a large, catchy font). Repeat these cards every evening or every other evening. If the child answers correctly, make a small note or add a sticker to the card. Gradually, remove those cards on which the child knows the formulas well. Set a goal of putting 10 “stars” (or whatever labels you want) on each card. This will give extra motivation.

What should I do if my child is having trouble with algebra?

3. Move from simple to complex. Many parents encounter a problem when they try to explain a task to a child, and the child gets confused in the first stages. This suggests that the schoolchild has problems with previous topics. For example, don’t get nervous because a child can’t understand a seemingly simple explanation of solving equations with powers, if the child can’t raise 4 to the 3rd power.

Take a step back and explain the simpler topics to the child, then go back to the equation. Sometimes there are so many gaps that it is extremely difficult for parents to identify and fill them, because they do not deal with the school curriculum every day. In this case, it is better to contact a tutor. That’s why the following advice sounds like this.

4 Let’s apply to a tutor. Even if your child came with homework at 9, or even 10 pm, and you just can’t explain the material to him, this problem can easily be solved by turning to an online tutor. For example, at TutorOnline school, you can always find tutors ready to help (the school is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Your child can also take a tutoring class if he has to go to school on the second shift, the assignment is not done, and you are at work. The tutor will help the child to prepare the solution of problems, learn to solve similar problems independently, as well as identify and eliminate gaps. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the help of professional teachers.

5. “Yes” to cheat sheets. Algebra involves a huge number of formulas and values. For example, do you remember what is the cosine of 60 degrees? And kids have a lot more different values to memorize. So print out and put all the formulas and value tables that a student needs this school year on the back of their notebook. Having them handy at all times will make your child feel more confident and more likely to remember the basics.