
Tens of millions of people around the world suffer from sleep disorders, and the number is growing inexorably. It’s a problem in today’s society, and if you’re familiar with it or just want to improve your sleep quality, these 5 soothing yoga including https://www.julianalucky.com/post/mommy-and-me-yoga-benefits poses will help you.

The purpose of each of these postures is to relax the body and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation.

In other words, these poses lead to a calming of the muscles responsible for relaxation.

These postures make up a 10-minute complex before bedtime. However, it can be modified or supplemented for optimal results.

Remember, you must first listen to your body.

1. Cat Pose (Marjariasana)
To start, put your knees strictly under your hip joints, palms strictly under your shoulders and pressed tightly to the mat. As you exhale, round your spine and stretch your rounded back toward the ceiling. Allow your head to drop freely, but don’t press your chin tightly against your chest.

Combine this pose with Cow pose (below) and make sure to inhale in Cow pose and exhale in Cat pose.

2. Cow pose.
The beginning is identical to the Cow pose: knees bent strictly under the hip joints, palms pressed firmly against the mat under the shoulders. As you inhale, pull your tailbone and rib cage upward, while simultaneously pulling your abdominal area toward the floor. Also lift your head up and direct your gaze in front of you.

Combine this pose with Cat pose (above) and make sure to inhale in Cow pose and exhale in Cat pose.

3. forward leaning sitting (Pashchimottanasana)
On the exhale, try to walk your arms as far as possible and remember to extend your upper body while bending over. If you can’t touch your feet, use a yoga belt or towel and pull yourself forward.

Hold for 30 seconds. Perform two approaches.

4. Child’s pose (Balasana).
Get down on your knees and sit on your heels. Gently bend forward until your forehead touches the floor. Your arms may be extended forward or remain behind you.

This is the resting pose in yoga. It is a restorative pose that you can return to whenever you feel overstretched or just want to take a break. Focus on breathing deeply and filling your lower body with air.

5. Relaxation Pose (Shavasana).
Oddly enough, this pose is called the “hardest pose” because many people struggle with lying down after practicing yoga. Try to relax your brain and detach yourself from your thoughts.

Stay in this position for 1-5 minutes or longer if necessary.

Bonus tips:

Most importantly, focus on your breathing. The goal is to sink into a meditative state and relax your body and mind. Concentrate only on the breath, not on developing flexibility.

This is the very last thing you do before going to bed. Do not do this practice before your evening routines. Finish all your bedtime preparations (alarm clock, dressing, digging into your phone, etc.) and then start doing the complex.

Create a comfortable atmosphere in the room. To help the relaxation process, dim the lights in the room gently before you begin. You can leave the soft light of a night light.